Balkan Social Science Review, vol.8, no.8, pp.139-152, 2016 (Scopus)
© 2016, Goce Delchev University of Shtip. All rights reserved.After the cold war, the world entered into more complex and unpredictable set of interests and realignments. Threats such as organized crime and terrorism, economic crises and refugee crises have increased and improved interdependence between individuals, organizations and countries. The positioning of the Balkan region, as a gateway to both the Europe and the European Union is the scene where the big centers of power will realize their interests in terms of has created a multipolar world order in the Balkan region. This process hassled by national interests through policies designed of large business centers and companies. Major centers of power have mostly interested in a stable Balkans region because stability means a way for furthering the interests of the major centers of power. The shocks that had occurred after the broke up of Yugoslavia were crucial in the infiltration of US-the main major power- influence in the Balkans. The promotions of democracy and EU and NATO membership have been the main priorities of US. On the other hand, Russia and China has seen the EU as a major market in which they will pursue their interests, primarily economic. Given the strategic geographical location of the Balkans, the region is an open gateway to the EU market and could be considered as a way of achieving the goals of China and Russia. However these goals have caused great dissatisfaction of the other center of power, USA. This means that any cooperation agreement that has concluded between rivals of the USA with the Balkans will mean an unforgivable transgression and betrayal. If we take into account, “South Stream” agreement that signed between Russia and the Balkan countries and the benefits of the New Silk Road through high speed train line between Athens-Skopje-Belgrade and Budapest under the auspices of China are the cases that the USA could be considered these moves for treason. Taking into account all the events that occurred in the Balkans last two years (Political destabilization in Macedonia, coup attempt in Turkey, referendum in Republika Srpska, the tightening of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, election process in Montenegro, opening the Albanian question, etc.) are opening a new question - who needs more “stable” or “unstable” Balkans?