Experimental Brain Research, vol.169, no.3, pp.326-337, 2006 (SCI-Expanded)
During isometric contractions of the jaw muscles, oscillations in the rectified masseteric EMG record that are coherent with the mandibular force output are evident at ∼8 Hz. We have investigated the load dependence of these oscillations under both force and EMG feedback conditions and the extent to which these oscillations are coupled bilaterally in the jaw muscles. We further investigated the extent to which afferent information arising from the periodontium during biting influenced the extent of ∼8 Hz EMG tremor and the bilateral coupling between masseters at this frequency. Using coherence analysis we have shown that a significant load-independent coupling of EMG between the closing muscles of the jaw occurs at ∼8 Hz as a result of common ∼8 Hz input to the masseters. This common input is significantly reduced when afferent information from the periodontium is blocked. These results suggest that afferent information arising from the periodontium enhances the expression of peripheral tremulous activity, which may be important for optimising the response of the jaw to changes in forces occurring between the teeth. © Springer-Verlag 2005.