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Erdal N., Tayran N., Kaçar S., Kodaloğlu K., Tufan G.

Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD), vol.7, no.6, pp.278-296, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The environment is a set of values that constitute the common existence of humans, encompassing everything inanimate and inanimate associated with the individual. Human beings are constantly interacting with their environment. Technological advances, industrialization, the careless and insensitive behavior of humans have upset the ecological balance of the world. As a result of this, various environmental problems such as pollution, extinction of living species, depletion of energy resources, reduction of usable farmland, nuclear hazard, rapid population growth have arisen. At the root of many environmental problems, unconscious and insensitive human behavior is known to play a role. Therefore, it is very important to demonstrate responsive environmental behavior and to ensure awareness.This study was conducted in order to determine the environmental sensitivity of health professionals and relatives of patients offered health services at a University Hospital in Turkey. The University Hospital consisted of a total of 395 people, including 223 paramedics and 172 patient relatives. Data collected statistical package programs and descriptive and descriptive analyses, validity, reliability, exploratory factor analysis, t test and Anova tests were applied. Factor analysis was performed according to the new paradigm scale and the result of factor analysis was examined in five subdimensions as the rule of man to nature, the state of the world, the power of nature, the balance of nature, and the evil use of man to nature. As a result of the analyses, there was no significant difference between health workers and patient relatives in terms of environmental sensitivity. According to gender, the force of nature and balance of nature were found to be more sensitive in women in lower dimensions than in men. When we look at marital situations, there was no significant difference between the married and the single. It has been observed that the poor use of nature by Lonely People is worse for the environment than the single married people. Elementary, high school and graduate graduates were found to be more environmentally sensitive than other education graduates

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