European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, 11 - 14 September 2000
Natural convection flow induced by volumetric heating has been analysed in a 2- Dimensional cavity. The cavity is considered to be enclosed by thick walls at the sides and bottom, while a constant temperature has been assumed at the top. Laminar flow analysis has been carried out for a Ra number range of 106 to 1012. Properties of the molten core material (corium) and enclosing pressure vessel wall are taken from the open literature and are assumed to be constant for the present analysis. A benchmark solution for the conjugate problem compares very well with the results from the open literature. Isotherms, streamlines and wall Nusselt numbers are provided and are scrutinised. Results show a significant change in the buoyant flow parameters as compared to conventional nonconjugant investigations.