Reflection of Social Media Addiction on Family Communication Processes


ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol.10, no.2, pp.425-445, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Social media has become a source that people frequently use to express themselvestoday. Especially recently, social media applications, which are actively used, havebecome an area where people can post their own lives. People can share themselvesand their lives with all mass of followers. It is seen that many people share theirfamily living intensely on social media. A common question raises at this point.Do the posts really describe the events happening at that moment? How often dopeople who have good intra-family communication processes and regularly spendtime with their families use social media? In addition, do people who experiencedisruptions in family communication processes share on social media more intenseand unreal events or old pictures and videos? Do people with good communicationin the family or do people with low family communication use social media moreintensively? The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between social mediaaddiction and family communication. Whether social media addiction causes impairment in family communication processes was examined.