Human rights awareness among engineering graduation students

Ashifa K.

Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol.11, no.12 Special Issue, pp.596-598, 2019 (Scopus) identifier


Human rights are fundamentals to the sustainable development of the countries in the world. In order to adhere the universal acceptability on rights, the state are providing great emphasis on international conventions and its implementation. Creating human rights culture is crucial for sustainability and well-being of human kind. The effective implementation of social work principle and values for human rights practices can cultivate human rights culture. Rights relating to human needs, freedom and duties have to upheld and nurtured. Consciousness of these rights will help to resists violations which threaten are diminishing quality of life and promote life enhancing care, protection and welfare. It leads to make a violation free society with respecting the worth and dignity of the individual and group. The present paper tried to analyze the awareness on human rights aspects among the Engineering Graduation students in Tamil Nadu.