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Kavgaoğlu D., Elkin N.

International Conference on Education Research and Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2018, pp.55-56

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.55-56
  • Istanbul Gelisim University Affiliated: Yes



Purpose and scope of the research: The aim of this research is to evaluate the learner-centered curriculum design applied in the IGU nursing department undergraduate program in the first year "Interpersonal Relationships and Therapeutic Communication" course according to students' opinions. The curriculum of the course is designed through Doll's 4R model based on pragmatism, postmodernism and the theory of complexity. Students are included in a 4R instructional design (recursion, rigor, richness and relations) that includes spiral, flexible, relational and rich learning experiences instead of the only from curriculum based school and teaching system (Cullen, Harris, Hill 2012, Demirkaya 2017, Weimer, 2013). In addition, three basic principle of the model "community building", "power sharing" and "assessment" was used actively during the process. In community building we were able to achieve collaboration, team building and active learning. With the sharing power the learner has been included in the academic plan while also been enabled to Express himself in an alternative space. In the evaluation process the learner has been placed in activities with different context in order to put theory into practise. Study group: The study group of the research consists of 52 students who attend the IGU School of Health Nursing undergraduate program in "Interpersonal Relations and Therapeutic Communication" course in 2017-2018 Spring semester. Methodology: The "CIPP Program Evaluation Scale" developed by Kavgaoğlu and Alcı was used as the data collection tool of the research that applied the survey model within the descriptive research (Kavgaoğlu, Alcı 2016, Kavgaoğlu, 2017). The scale provides the study of context, input, process and product in education. This scale based on Stufflebeam's CIPP model has targeted not only program success but also program development (Stufflebam, 2014). Descriptive analysis, reliability, difference and correlation analyzes were done for the statistical analysis of the research; Nonparametric statistics were used in the analysis of data. Findings of the research: A statistically significant relationship was found between Process and Product variables (p <0.05). It has been found that there is a partial intermediate variable effect of the context independent variable (β = 0.667 p = 0.000 < 0.05). That is, the context-independent variable that emerges as a process intermediate variable influences statistic as an product (β = 0.667 p = 0.000 <0.05). Findings with Context-1 between input levels and gender was in favor of male students; Significant differences were found in favor of students who stated that the level of emotional help was moderate between Context-1 and emotional support skill levels (p <0.05). The fact that students have graduated from the relevant vocational school, self-evaluation of social relations and academic achievement have not been predictive. The Results of the study: It has been determined that learner-centered curriculum designed for nursing students through research has direct positive effects on personal, social and business outcomes. Students assessed education by scoring high on all dimensions of the scale (context, input, process, product). It has been determined that these views are not differentiated by the educational background, the perceived academic and social competence variables. However; the perception of gender and ability of emotional support has been influential in the different interpretation of the learning environment. In the light of the research, it can be stated that the planning of the courses in learner-centered curriculum designs all across the college can increase student satisfaction and academic success. However; in the nursing department, it is thought that it may be useful to repeat the therapeutic communication lessons at different levels of instruction with a learning-centered spiral design that takes individual differences and adult learning principles into account.

Keywords: Learner-centered curriculum, Instructional design, Nursing education, Therapeutic communication.