WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, vol.7, no.3, pp.112-119, 2008 (Scopus)
The sample selection model is studied in the context of semi-parametric methods. The issue of uncertainty and ambiguity are still major problems and the modelling of a semi-parametric sample selection model as well as its parametric. The best approach of accounting for uncertainty and ambiguity is to take advantage of the tools provided by the theory of fuzzy sets. The semi-parametric of a sample selection model is an econometric model that has found an interesting application in empirical studies. In this paper, the married women participants in the Malaysia labour force are studied. It comprises the analysis of a) participation equation in the wage sector and b) the wage equation in the wage sector. The data set used for this study is from the Malaysian population and family survey 1994 (MPFS-1994).