The Relationship between Presentation of Artworks of Various Dimensions and Architectural Design in The Scope of The Development of Exhibition Design

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Atatürk Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol.27, no.47, pp.548-560, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


The display has been used from the very beginning to displayobjects. Exhibition design is a combination of display andcontemporary visual communication design. With thedevelopment of the exhibition concept and the increase ininterdisciplinary cooperation, communication is established byincluding the space itself in the design. Today, the exhibitedproducts are no longer exhibited, the exhibition itself has becomea work of art and the exhibition design has begun to be designedconsciously. This change causes you to question what art is andwhat design is. Within the scope of this research, a descriptivestudy was conducted to improve the interior design performancein the context of the space requirements of the exhibition space.As a method, in the first stage, an international literature reviewwas conducted using the keyword "exhibition design". In the nextstep, based on the data obtained, it has been tried to reveal howexperience and interaction in exhibition design can produceoriginal results, with examples limited to photography studies andmetal/glass works to evaluate works in various dimensions.Thanks to this research, comparisons were made to improve thedesign performance of the exhibition space, which designers canuse as input in the design process. Reproduction of such workswill greatly improve the artist's performance in exhibition designand ensure the up-to-date continuity of knowledge and experiencesharing in future designs.