Optimization of a regenerative gas-turbine cogeneration system based on a new exergetic performance criterion: Exergetic performance coefficient


Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, cilt.221, sa.4, ss.447-457, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


A performance analysis and an optimization based on a new exergetic performance criterion named exergetic performance coefficient (EPC) have been carried out for an irreversible regenerative gas-turbine cogeneration system. The EPC objective function defined as the total exergy output per unit loss rate of availability is taken as the optimization criterion. The design parameters and performances under optimal conditions have been investigated and the results obtained are compared with those obtained using the alternative criteria given in the literature. It is shown that for the regenerative gas-turbine cogeneration system, a design based on the maximum EPC conditions is more advantageous from the viewpoint of entropy generation rate, exergy efficiency, and investment cost. © IMechE 2007.