International JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, vol.6, no.27, pp.1016-1029, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In the face of increasing competition in the recent period, businesses provide competitive advantage when they analyze their internal
and external environment and comply with their resources and abilities. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the contribution of companies
that have achieved competitive power with differentiation strategies to the performance of their businesses. Turkey ISO first 500 and
second 500 questionnaires from the manufacturers who export and import business that collected research model and hypotheses are
formulated. As a result of the collected questionnaires, factor analysis, correlation and regression analyzes were performed by using
statistical package programs to prove the accuracy and reliability of the data. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that
differentiation strategies have a positive and strong effect on business performance. When businesses apply differentiation strategies
in products and services, it is concluded that they will gain a competitive advantage in the market and increase their performance and
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