Genel Bilgiler

Kurum Bilgileri: İktisadi İdari Ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Ekonomi Ve Finans (İngilizce)
WoS Araştırma Alanları: Ekonomi Ve İş
Avesis Araştırma Alanları: Ekonometri, İstatistik, Finans Ekonomisi




Açık Erişim




2013-2013                                Visiting Scholar

Columbia University, Department of Economics (New York, USA)

Post Doctoral Academic Researcher

Columbia Consortium for Risk Management (New York, USA)


2006 - 2011                              Ph.D.

Gazi University Social Science Institute (Ankara, TURKEY) Major: Econometrics


2004 - 2006                              M.Sc.

İstanbul Technical University Social Science Institute (İstanbul, TURKEY)

Major: Economics


1999 - 2004                              B.A.

Marmara University FEAS (İstanbul, TURKEY)

Major: Econometrics


ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT                                                                             

2023-present                            Prof. Ph.D

Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics and Finance

2020-2022                                Prof. Ph.D

Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of International Trade

2015-2020                                Assoc. Prof. Ph.D

Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics and Finance


2014-2015                                Assoc. Prof. Ph.D

Hitit University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics


2012-2014                                Asst. Prof. Ph.D

Hitit University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics


2011-2012                                Lecturer Ph.D

Hitit University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics


2007-2011                                Lecturer

Hitit University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences, Department of Economics


HONORS AND AWARDS                                                                                 


2013                                         Council of Higher Education of Turkey (YÖK) Post- Doc Fellowship Awarded to do research about “Sustainable Development” at Columbia University


PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND SERVICES                                                 

2019-Present                            Head of the Department

Department of International Trade, Istanbul Aydın University


2017-Present                            Executive Board Member

Energy Politics and Markets (EPPAM) Research Center of Istanbul Aydın University


2019                                         Best Paper Award Committee Member

7th International Scientific Conference International Financial Reporting Standards: Global Rules & Local Use – Beyond the Numbers


2016-Present                            Editor

Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis


2015-Present                            Editorial Board Member

Journal of Economics and Political Economy Turkish Economic Review

Journal of Economic and Social Thought Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences


Program Committee Member

2015                                         The 2015 Asia Conference on Economics & Business Research (ACEB)

2016, 2017, 2019                      Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance (APEF 2017)


Keynote Speaker

2020                                            8th International Scientific Conference "IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use 

                                                Beyond the Numbers"


2021                                            9th International Scientific Conference "IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use 

                                                Beyond the Numbers". 


2022                                            10th International Scientific Conference "IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use 

                                                Beyond the Numbers".    



Editor 2016-Present

Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis,  TR Dizin


Guest Editor

Journal of Risk and Financial Management (2022)  Special Issue "Economic and Financial Implications of COVID-19"


Frontiers in Environmental Science (2023) Changes in the Approach to Energy Concerns and their Impact on the Economy and the Environment




Uğurlu, Erginbay and İrem, Celal Nazım (2022), COVID–19 Etkisinde İşletmeler, Ekonomiler ve İnsan Kuram ve Uygulama, Seçkin Yayınları, ISBN 9789750275869


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2023),  Blockchain, Kullanım Alanları, Lambert Academic Publishing , ISBN 978-620-6-14273-7


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2023), Ekonometri Yöntemleri Kılavuzu, Lambert Academic Publishing , ISBN 978-620-6-14274-4



Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2022), Renewale Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, In Hassan Qudrat-Ullah, Aymen A. Kayal (Eds.), Climate Change and Energy Dynamics in the Middle East, Springer International Publishing, ISBN:978-3-030-11201-1, 259-291


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2019), Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Alternative Energy in the Middle East, In Dmitry KurochkinMartha J. CrawfordElena V. Shabliy (Eds.), Energy Policy Advancement Climate Change Mitigation and International Environmental Justice, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-84993-1


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2019), Renewable Energy Strategies in the European Union for Sustainable Development, In Elena Shabliy, Dmitry Kurochkin, Ekundayo Shittu (Eds) Renewable Energy: International Perspectives on Sustainability, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN:978-3-030-14206-3.


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2019), Research Data Analysis Using EViews: An Empirical Example of Modeling Volatility. In Bhardwaj Raj Kumar, Banks Paul (Eds.), Research Data Access and Management in Modern Libraries, IGI Global Publishing, ISBN:9781522584377.


Uğurlu, E. & Muratoğlu, Yusuf. (2019), Blockchain Technology in Solar Energy, In Nansi Shi (Eds.), Architectures and Frameworks for Developing and Applying Blockchain Technology, ISBN:978152259257, IGI Global Publishing, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9257-0.ch006


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2018), Demand of Turkish Energy Market, In Bojan Krstić (Eds.) Strengthening the Competitiveness of Enterprises and National Economies, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, ISBN:978‐86‐6139‐154‐5, 55-75


Uğurlu, Erginbay. (2017), Causality in Mean and Variance between the Gold and Stock Returns in Turkey, In Melike Bildirici et al. (Eds.), Istanbul as a Global Financial Center, ISBN:1-4438- 1704, 65-87





Uğurlu, Erginbay (2022). Impacts of Renewable Energy on CO2 Emission: Evidence from the Visegrad Group Countries, Politics in Central Europe,18(2):295-315. (SCOPUS Q2)


Eleftherios Thalassinos, Marta Kadłubek & Lee Minh Thong, Tran Van Hiep & E Ugurlu (2022). Managerial Issues Regarding the Role of Natural Gas in the Transition of Energy and the Impact of Natural Gas Consumption on the GDP of Selected Countries, Resources, 1 (5), 42:2-22 (SCOPUS Q1)


Jindrichovska Irena, & Uğurlu Erginbay  (2021). Effect of COVID-19 on International Trade among the Visegrad CountriesJournal of Risk and Financial Management.  15(41):1-20. ESCI


Jindrichovska Irena, & Uğurlu Erginbay  (2021). E.U. and China Trends in Trade in Challenging Times. Journal of Risk and Financial Management.  14(71):1-19. ESCI


Gürsakal, Necmi , Uğurlu, Erginbay & Gönçer Demiral, Dilek (2021). On Biological And Non-Biological Networks . Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 16 (61) , 330-347. TRDizin


Gürsakal, Necmi, Yilmaz, Fırat Melih, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2020). Finding opportunity windows in time series data using the sliding window technique: The case of stock exchanges. Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis, 24(3):2-19 CEEOL


Jindrichovska Irena, & Uğurlu Erginbay  (2020). Exploring the Trend of Czech FDIs and their Effect to Institutional Environment, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Volume VIII, Issue 1, pp. 94-108. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Jindrichovska Irena (2019). Estimating Gravity Model in the Czech Republic: Empirical Study of Impact of IFRS on Czech International Trade, European Research Studies Journal, 22(2), 265-281. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay (2019). Estimating Demand of Turkish Energy Market: a Multivariate Regression Model, Journal of Energy, 68(1), 3-10. INSPEC


Aksoy Emine Ebru, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2018). 2008 Krizi Döneminde Türkiye’de Döviz Piyasası Baskısının İncelenmesi: Mevsimsel Eşbütünleşme Analizi (Investigating Exchange Market Pressure in Turkey in the 2008 Crisis Period: Seasonal Cointegration Analysis). Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 54(633), 9-26. TRDİZİN


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Kurt Cihangir Çiğdem (2017). Altın Piyasasında Asimetrik Oynaklık: Türkiye İçin Model Önerisi (Volatility In Gold Market: Model Recommendation For Turkey). Işletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(3), 284-299 TRDİZİN


Muratoğlu Gönül, Uğurlu Erginbay, & Muratoğlu Yusuf (2017). Trade Flows Between Russia and Other Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: A Gravity Model Analysis. Gumushane Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 8(20), 287-306 TRDİZİN


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Zeybek Ömer (2015). Nowcasting Credit Demand in Turkey with Google Trends Data. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 10(32), 293-300. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Aksoy Emine Ebru (2015). How Did the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis Influence Turkish Firm? Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 2(4), 494-506EconStor


Thalassinos Eleftherios I, Uğurlu Erginbay, &Muratoğlu Yusuf (2015). Comparison of Forecasting Volatility in the Czech Republic Stock Market. Applied Economics and Finance, 2(1), 11-18. EconPapers


Thalassinos Eleftherios I, Uğurlu Erginbay, &Muratoğlu Yusuf (2014). Modeling Volatility in the Stock Markets Using GARCH Models : European Emerging Economies and Turkey. International Journal of Economics & Business Administration, 2(3), 72-87. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay, (2014). Modeling Volatility: Evidence from The Bucharest Stock Exchange. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 9(4-30), 718-727. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Açikalin Süleyman (2014). Oil Price Fluctuations And Trade Balance Of Turkey.

Journal f Applied Economic Sciences, 9(4-30), 571-579. SCOPUS


Uğurlu Erginbay & Bayar Yılmaz (2014). Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade in Turkey: Time-Series-Cross-Section Methods, Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2014; 25(91): 69-84 EconPapers


Jindrichovska Irena, Ugurlu Erginbay, & Kubickova Dana (2013). Changes In Capital Structure of Czech SMES A Dynamic Panel Data Approach. Ekonomika A Management, 3(1), 5-25. ERIH PLUS,

Sakinc Ilker, & Ugurlu Erginbay (2013). A Logistic Regression Analysis To Examine Factors Affecting Gender Diversity on The Boardroom ISE Case. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(3), 57-61. ResearchBib


Sağlam Metin, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2013). Kamu Açıkları Parasal Büyüme ve Enflasyon İlişkisi Türkiye Örneği 1983-2008 (Public Deficits, Money Growth and Inflation: Turkey Case : 1983- 2008). Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, (576), 71-84. Econlit


Thalassinos Eleftherios, Uğurlu Erginbay, & Muratoğlu Yusuf (2012). Income Inequality and Inflation in the EU. European Research Studies Journal, 15(1), 127-140. SCOPUS


Uğurlu  Erginbay (2010).    Growth and Openness Relationship in The EU15 Panel Data Analysis.

Ekonomika, 89(2), 44-54. EBSCO


Uğurlu Erginbay (2009). Real Exchange Rate And Economic Growth Turkey. Manas University Social Science Journal, (2), 192-212.


Ünsal Aydın, Ugurlu Erginbay & Sakinc Ilker, (2009) Ownership Identity And Firm Performance In Manufacturing Companies in Turkey A Multinomial Logit Model Approach. International Journal of Economics and Finance , 1(2), 23-34. EBSCO


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Düzgün Recep (2009). Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Ricardo Eşitliği Hipotezi'nin Test Edilmesi (Testing to Ricardian Equivalence Propositions for Turkish Economy), Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 1(26), 99-116. Econlit


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Saraçoğlu Bedriye (2010). Türkiye de Enflasyon Hedeflemesi ve Enflasyonun Öngörüsü (Inflation Targeting and Inflation Forecasting in Turkey). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(25), 57-72.





Keynote Speaker Jindrichovska Irena, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2020). EU and China Trend in Trade in Challenging Times, 8th International Scientific Conference IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use - Beyond The Numbers, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Jindrichovska Irena, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2019). Exploring the Trend of Czech FDIs and Its Link to Changing Institutional Environment, 7th International Scientific Conference IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use - Beyond The Numbers, 198-209. Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Zeybek Ömer, Uğurlu Erginbay, & Yüceoğlu Fatih (2018). Google Arama Trendi Verileriyle Tüketicilerin Harcamaları Öngörülebilir Mi? : Çevrim İçi Perakende Sektörü Uygulaması. 19th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics Proceedings 3, 1125-1143. , Antalya, TURKEY


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Jindrichovska Irena (2018). Estimating Gravity Model in The Czech Republic:Empirical Study of Impact of IFRS on Czech International Trade. IFRS:Global Rules Local Use, 159-171. Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Jindrichovska Irena (2017). Profitability and Working Capital Management of Czech SMEs: Empirical Evidence in the Period of Financial Crisis. The 5th International Scientific Conference IFRS: Global Rules and Local Use, , 61-71, Anglo-American University, Prague, Czech Republic

Muratoğlu Yusuf, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2016). A Comparison of Exchange Rate Volatility Forecasting Performances of The GARCH Models: Case of Turkey. EDASS V International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability(5), 128-130. Coruña, SPAIN


Zeybek Ömer, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2014). Nowcasting Credit Demand in Turkey with Google Trends Data. International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration, 1(1), 333- 340, Bucharest, ROMANIA


Uğurlu Erginbay, Jindrichovska Irena, & Kubickova Dana (2014). Working Capital Management in Czech SMEs: An Econometric Approach. International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration, 1(1), 311-317, Bucharest, ROMANIA


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Açikalin Süleyman (2014). Oil Price Fluctuations and Trade Balance of Turkey. International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration 2014, 1(1), 6-13. Bucharest, ROMANIA


Uğurlu Erginbay (2014). Forecasting Volatility: Evidence from the Bucharest Stock Exchange. International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration, 1(1), 302-310. Bucharest, ROMANIA


Chichilnisky Graciela, & Uğurlu  Erginbay  (2013).  Environmentally Sustainable Development for EU Member Countries A Panel Data Model. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics, Summary, New York, USA


Jindrichovska Irena, Uğurlu Erginbay, & Kubickova Dana (2013). Examining Capital Structure of Czech Firms. The 7th International Days of Statistics and Economics, 509-520. Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Cihangir Kurt Çiğdem, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2013). Yatırım Aracı Olarak Altın 2004 2011 Dönemi Türkiye Örneğinde Oynaklık İncelemesi. International Istanbul Finance Congress, Istanbul, TURKEY


Uğurlu Erginbay & Aksoy Emine Ebru (2013). The Effects of the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis on Turkish Firms. 10th Eurasian Business And Economics Society (EBES) Conference , İstanbul, TURKEY


Thalassinos    Eleftherios, Muratoglu Yusuf, & Ugurlu Erginbay (2012). Comparison of Forecasting Volatility In The Czech Republic Stock Market. XVth International Scientific Conference On Human Capital and Financial Management, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Uğurlu Erginbay, & Muratoğlu Yusuf (2012). Income Inequality and Inflation in EU. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE), (Summary), Piraeus, GREECE


Beken Gülçin, & Uğurlu Erginbay (2010). Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in EU15.

11th IAEE European Conference, Vilnius, LITHUANIA





İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, Covid-19 Sonrası Çin’in İhracatındaki Azalma Türkiye Tarafından Karşılanabilir Mi? 116, 91-100

Turcomoney, COVID 19 ve Maske Ticareti Üzerine,  2021, January

Turcomoney , Covid-19 salgını ve ülkelerin ekonomik önlem paketleri, 2020, June

Turcomoney , 11. Kalkınma Planı Ekonomiye Çare Olur mu?,  2019, Ağustos

Enerji Panorama, Enerji 4.0, 2019, Nisan

Blockchaintime, Güneş Enerjisi Sektöründe Blockchain Teknolojisi, Winter,2019

Blockchaintime, Libra ve Vergilendirme, Autumn, 2019

Fintechtime, Paytech Kripto Para Uygulamaları, 2018,17

Enerji Panorama, Küresel Isınma- Karbon Yakalama Yöntemleri, 2018, May