HÕ]lÕ de÷iúen rekabeWoi oeYrede iúleWmeler rakipleri\le mcadele eWmesi ioin oeúiWli
rekabeW sWraWejileri geliúWirmeleri gerekir. g]ellikle hi]meW iúleWmeleri oalÕúanlarÕna gereken
de÷eri Yerdi÷inde Ye oalÕúanlar arasÕnda gYen, ileWiúim, pa\laúÕlan de÷erler Ye empaWi\e
da\anÕlan iliúkiler geliúWirildi÷inde oalÕúanlarÕn performansÕ arWacakWÕr. RekabeW orWamÕnda
baúarÕ isWe\en iúleWmeler oalÕúanlara |nem Yermeli Ye bn\esinde \ksek performans g|sWeren
oalÕúanlar bXlXndXrmalÕdÕr. BX oalÕúmanÕn amacÕ iliúki \|nelimli daYranÕú de÷iúkenlerinin
oalÕúan performansÕna eWkilerini incelemekWir. Hi]meW sekW|rnn en |nemli sekW|rlerinden
biri olan sa÷lÕk sekW|rnde oalÕúanlarÕn iliúki \|nelimine \|nelik daYranÕú sergilemeleri Ye
\ksek performans g|sWermeleri hem bire\sel hem de |rgWsel baúarÕlar ioin gereklidir.
AraúWÕrmada kXllanÕlan de÷iúkenler sos\al bilgiler isWaWisWik pakeW programlarÕ \ardÕmÕ\la
anali] edilmiúWir Alan araúWÕrmasÕ ioin seoilen eYren, øsWanbXl¶da bXlXnan kamX niYersiWe
hasWanelerinde oalÕúan 495 Ye |]el/YakÕf hasWanelerinde oalÕúan 157 Woplam 652 sa÷lÕk oalÕúanÕ
ile ankeW oalÕúmasÕ \apÕlmÕúWÕr. Anali] sonXcXnda ba÷ÕmsÕ] de÷iúken iliúki \|neliminin alW
bo\XWlarÕndan oalÕúanlarla ilgili de÷erler ile ba÷ÕmlÕ de÷iúken oalÕúan performansÕ arasÕnda
po]iWif \|nl orWa derecede iliúki g|rlmúWr. øliúki \|neliminin alW bo\XWlarÕndan pa\laúÕlan
de÷erler Ye ba÷ÕmlÕ de÷iúken oalÕúan performansÕ arasÕnda anlamlÕ bir iliúki g|rlmemiúWir.
Rapidly changing competitive environment, they need to develop competitive
strategies to combat their competitors in various businesses. Especially service businesses
give their employees between the required value and the employees trust, communication,
empathy, relationships based on shared values and eat when it was developed the
performance of employees will increase. Businesses that want success in a competitive
environment should pay attention to employees and keep high-performing employees in their
bodies. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of relationship-oriented behavior
variables on employee performance. Employees in the health sector, one of the most
important sectors of the service sector, are required to exhibit relationship-oriented behavior
and perform high performance for both individual and organizational achievements. The
survey was conducted with a total of 652 health care workers selected for the field survey,
495 working in public university hospitals in Istanbul and 157 working in private /foundation
hospitals. The analysis showed a moderate positive correlation between employee values and
dependent variable employee performance from lower dimensions of independent variable
relationship orientation. There was no significant relationship between shared values and
dependent variable employee performance from the lower dimensions of the relationship